Masak-masak is the local term for child's play or toys. In Malay, it means to cook.
In simpler times, children would play pretend with whatever they can get their hands on. Chipped and rusty enamel bowls, bricks, old glass bottle and a huge dash of imagination could cook up quite a storm.
This handdrawn piece was digitally coloured and collaged.
We had the largest number of first-timers joining us at the ATC trade session. Hi-5 to the 5 friends! 14 people made quite a crowd at Pauseability.
Besides trading our cards and catching up, we also tried our hands at an art activity: Mr P was hidden in a bag, everyone got to touch it and then draw an impression of what they thought was in the bag. We also added some touches to one other person's creation. The final collection of work came out rather beautifully, and the variety spoke volumes for all the creativity in all of us!
Like Mark Twain, I am pretty sure all of us could live for two months on a good compliment. It doesn't take much to give a compliment; just do or say something nice always brings on a smile. Then when we appreciate that nice deed, the joy multiplies.
In July, Melissa started Operation NICE to encourage everyone to be proactively nice. What a great idea! The creative energy she has put into this Operation is amazing. Kudos Melissa!
Love the way the message is put across. Powerful and poignant. Love the use of text as a visual and also how they are worded. Love the music. Interesting to note that the shots were all taken on a cell phone.
When I was still a student, we had chalkboards or more commonly called blackboard, even though they were really green. These have all been replaced by whiteboards today.
One of the things those of us who were rostered for duty had to do was to clear the dust from the duster used to erase the blackboard. We would either slap two dusters together or pound one on the wall, creating little dust clouds.
Small bits of chalk were also a weapon in some teachers' hands targeted at those not paying attention in class. On a number of occasions, these were also our ammunition for a class chalk war.
Chalk also came in handy for keeping our white-washed canvas shoes pristine.
Well, those were the days.
Here's an artist that has created wonders with chalk. Enjoy!